[Wednesday Wellness] An essential to moving forward in the Christian life
In my line of work, I often hear of past sins or the weight of life that seem to grab ahold and tear down the peace and hope in a believer.
In my line of work, I often hear of past sins or the weight of life that seem to grab ahold and tear down the peace and hope in a believer.
Friend, if you are struggling with hurt during this holiday season, know that you are seen and known by a good Father that cares about your emotions.
Gratitude can be a mindset—a lifestyle that when adopted, actually significantly improves our outlook on life, and therefore our mental health in general.
One crippling danger of the misconception that “God will not give us more than we can handle” is that it implies that we will be handling our hardships in our own strengths. The Bible tells us that we don’t have to. He will walk the path with us.
But how do we get to that place when our minds are a loud whirlwind of anxious thoughts drowning out our best intentions to “fear not”? We go back to the basics.
If we can be vulnerable with the Lord, He will empower us to become vulnerable with others. This in turn will create the connection we desire with the Lord and others. Matthew 22:37-40.
It is OK to not be OK. That is the message Julie Busler said she hoped women took away from The Gathering, a night of encouragement in worship and the Word.
Article written by Ashlyn Johnson, Living Well Counseling Let’s consider the topic of rural mental health today. While some concepts of mental health are universal,
Do you feel a bit like you and your family are living in a fishbowl or a glass house?
A Lifeway research study explores U.S. Protestant pastors’ experiences with mental illness and how well their churches are equipped to respond to those who need help.
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