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WBU’s Patterson honored by scientific society

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WALNUT RIDGE – Dr. Ann Paterson of Williams Baptist University (WBU) has been honored by the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles. Paterson, who is the Nell Mondy Chair of Natural Sciences at WBU, received a presidential award from the society this summer.   

The award was presented during the Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists at Salt Lake City, Utah.  It was based on Paterson’s service to the society and major contributions she has made to the organization over a period of years.

The WBU professor has served on a variety of committees with the society, and she has been an officer since 2013.  She is currently a board member and acting treasurer, as well as continuing to serve on committees.

Biology/pre-medicine is the most popular major at WBU. 

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