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[Wednesday Wellness] With God all things are possible 

“Is anything too difficult for the Lord?” (Gen 18:14, NASB2020) 

Often in the counseling process, we ask questions of our clients. It helps them to examine and learn from their life experience. In the Bible, God himself teaches and disciples us through this process of asking questions.  With this question from Genesis, He is asking Abraham to reflect on his journey and the power of God. 

Christian counseling is about pausing and reflecting.  It may be to process a past trauma, sudden loss, or persistent depression during these winter days. It is about creating margins and capacity to be able to remember God’s goodness and faithfulness. 

Abraham and Sarah had their doubts about what God might do through them.  Going into this new year, what is God sharing with you that He wants to do through you, your family, and your ministry?  Are you wondering if it will be too difficult for the Lord?  Do you feel like you may not have enough strength to pull it off or see it through? 

On January 5th, I had lunch with River Valley pastors in Fort Smith. I was thankful for their hospitality to me that day.  Day in and day out, they demonstrate compassionate care for their city and communities. They are very supportive of our counseling initiatives. 

Many of our families are going through difficult situations. We are working diligently to place counselors you can trust into your community. In the meantime, all our team are available via telehealth. 

As my son has been playing soccer, I have had the opportunity to coach alongside my good friend who is a local pastor here in Jonesboro. Well, he’s the head coach, and I’m the backup!  The boys leave it all on the field. We have gone from never winning a game to placing second in the tournament. It happened due to tenacity, perseverance, determination, and some faith in one another. What we thought was too difficult became reality as we kept going! 

Thank you to all our local pastors and associations who support the counseling ministry of Living Well Professional Counseling! We are grateful for you. Together we can make a difference in the lives of our families. 

One of my favorite memes from 2020 had a picture of a cup running over. The caption went something like this: 

The pessimist says, “My cup is half empty.” 

The optimist says, “My cup is half full.” 

The Psalmist says, “My cup overfloweth!” 

 “Is there anything too difficult for the Lord?” As you take a moment today and reflect on that question, what comes to mind? Remember how our minds are transformed? (Rom 12:1-2) If we think of a thought that worries us or gets us down, we can’t just say, “Stop thinking that!”  We must replace it with truth.  

We have a great hope, for we know Jesus and He reassures us, “With God all things are possible” (Matt 19:26, CSB). 

James Barham, LPC, LMFT 

Director of Counseling 

A ministry of Arkansas Baptist Children’s & Family Ministries 

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