Thank You to Southern Baptists
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Every day is appropriate to say “thank you” to Southern Baptists who give generously so that the gospel spreads to all nations. In this season of giving — the Lottie Moon season in many churches — showing appreciation seems especially meaningful. This year missionaries have met unique challenges, as you also have, from the global pandemic caused by the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). Even as the world continues to find a new normal, our missionaries want to say a special word of thanks to you for remembering them, for praying concertedly, for giving sacrificially.
In March 2020, IMB missionary Reid Karr’s church was unable to meet as the Italian government had already restricted gatherings. A baptism planned at Karr’s church took place in a bathtub and was shown online to the rejoicing church. Because of your giving, Karr and his family have been able to stay in Rome and continue ministry.
“I would like to take this occasion to thank our many faithful Southern Baptists who continue to give faithfully to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering,” says Karr. “You will never know the full extent to which your generosity is having on the kingdom of God in many places around the world. It is times like these that remind us of the importance of what Southern Baptists are doing around the world as they work alongside their partners and the local church to see the gospel spread and transform hearts and lives.”
In the midst of a citywide shutdown, David and Sarah McNeill looked for new opportunities to spread the hope of Christ in their apartment building. Their children wrote notes with Bible verses to neighbors, leaving colorful pictures and small treats at every door.
David and Sarah McNeill are thankful to Southern Baptists for the opportunity to raise their family and serve in Colombia.
“We cannot adequately express our thankfulness for the support we receive through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering,” say the McNeills. “Because of the sacrifice and generous giving of Southern Baptists, our family has received all we need to serve as missionaries in Bogota, Colombia. This year, because of your generosity, we were able to build relationships with national partners, share the gospel, teach the Bible and even begin a new church!”
“Because of the sacrifice and generous giving of Southern Baptists, our family has received all we need to serve as missionaries.”
From Japan, missionaries Daniel and Tara Rice add their thanks. This has been a challenging year for them as they were leading the IMB’s 2020 Olympic ministries.
Daniel and Tara Rice will continue their preparations for the Tokyo Olympics—now being held in 2021—because of giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.
“We are deeply grateful for your prayer and financial support of the IMB and our ministry efforts. As you undoubtedly have heard, the Tokyo Olympics have been postponed until summer 2021 due to the current global health crisis. We see this postponement as a blessing and an opportunity given to us by the Lord, not only to minister to our neighbors in this unique time in history but also to fine-tune our ministry plans and to steward even more wisely the generous gifts we have received. Thank you for your continued prayer and support as we utilize this special opportunity to reach Japanese unbelievers and to encourage Japanese believers!”
PRAISE GOD for the continued work of Southern Baptists who have remained committed to reaching the lost for more than 175 years.
ASK GOD to send more individuals and churches who will be committed to the vision of reaching all nations and all peoples with the gospel.
THANK GOD for sustaining the work of missionaries through all circumstances, including the most recent global pandemic.
View and download the resources for Week of Prayer: Day 8.
Because of your giving, IMB missionaries are able to stay on the field and share the Gospel. Give today so your IMB missionaries can continue to serve.
This article was originally published by the IMB at