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WMU to host virtual celebration for the Week of Prayer for North American Missions

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (BP) – National WMU will provide a virtual experience leading into the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering Week of Prayer, which is March 7-14. The offering supports missions and ministry through the North American Mission Board (NAMB).

With the theme, The Mission Moves Forward, the goal for this year’s Annie Armstrong Easter Offering is $70 million to support thousands of missionaries committed to sharing the Gospel across North America.

“It is our sacred privilege to share in meeting Southern Baptists’ missionary responsibilities,” said Sandy Wisdom-Martin, executive director of WMU. “This virtual experience will make you aware of God’s work in North America. You will be challenged to be faithful in your intercession for our missionaries, sacrificial in your giving to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, intentional in building relationships and courageous in proclaiming hope found solely in Christ.”

The 25-minute celebration will feature missionary testimonies, intergenerational prayer for missionaries and more.

“The Week of Prayer for North American Missions and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering are essential to NAMB’s mission to discover, develop and deploy qualified, evangelistic missionaries throughout North America,” NAMB President Kevin Ezell said. “In my lifetime, there has been no greater time of need and urgency. There is a role for every Southern Baptist and all of our churches in this mission. Each prayer is essential. Every dollar is put to use on the field.”

Start the Week of Prayer by viewing or downloading this special event video available March 7 at or, or WMU or WorldCrafts social media. Church leaders are encouraged to download and share with congregations or small groups to host their own focus on North American missions. Additional resources are available at

In addition to encouraging prayer and sacrificial giving to this effort, WMU will donate 20 percent of all WorldCrafts sales March 7-15 to the offering.

This article was originally written by Julia Walters, WMU, and was published on

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