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Workers in South Asia rejoice in harvest, but remind churches of continued needs

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South Asia. It’s the largest concentration of lostness on the planet. 1.7 billion people. The birthplace of Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism and home to more than 500 million Muslims.  From the heights of the Himalayan mountains to the beaches of the Maldives, from crowded city markets to peaceful rice fields, South Asia is awe-inspiring and heart-wrenching at the same time.

Every week in South Asia 654,000 babies are born. Every week in South Asia 237,000 people pass into eternity and most will spend that eternity separated from God.

Yet the truth is that God’s Word tells us the harvest is plentiful. His Word tells us that people from every nation, tribe, people and language will one day be before the throne, crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!”

The Father is drawing South Asians to Himself. We, the workers among them, are witnesses to this. South Asian brothers and sisters are taking a stand for Christ, often facing intense persecution. Scripture in hundreds of different languages is being printed and given to those hungry for God’s Word. Technology is being utilized to engage the lost. God is calling out laborers from regions like North and South America, Europe and East Asia to give their lives that South Asians may know Him. People are learning that they have a Heavenly Father who loves them and has plans to give them a hope and a future. Disciples are being made, churches are being planted and the unengaged are being engaged.

We give praise to God as we see Him move in South Asia. Yet 1.5 billion of South Asia’s 1.7 billion people would enter an eternity without Christ if they were to die today. South Asia needs more laborers. God has called out the church to go and make disciples. He says in His Word that He will be with us.

Join the work in South Asia. Pray in strategic and informed ways for South Asian People. Offer your time, energy and resources so that South Asians have opportunity to hear the good news. Come be a part of shining the light of Christ to some of the darkest places on earth.

Written by International Mission Board.

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