I thought I was going to be a youth minister. After some time, I realized I didn’t want to be a preacher and didn’t want to be in front of a church. So, I graduated from Ouachita with a major in Communication, a minor in Christian Studies, and basically a minor in Business but I’m lacking business law, but I assume my law degree covers that class because surely my 90 hours of law covered that.

I graduate and I don’t know what I want to do. My father-in-law suggests going to law school. I kept thinking I don’t want to go to law school and I don’t want to be a lawyer. But I end up going to law school.

My entire time of education in college and law school, I don’t really know what I want to do but I knew that I’d like to work for a non-profit. I feel like I’m a very good number 2 person. I love being in the background.

I graduated from law school and pass the bar. At that point, I started working for the Arkansas Baptist Foundation.

My job is obviously an attorney and I’m doing all this transactional stuff that I actually love and what I’m wired for. I manage all the communications for the Foundation, which that’s where my communication degree comes in. But I’m also teaching at churches on biblical stewardship and I’m talking in front of churches all the time which is what I said I didn’t want to do. But I guess I just didn’t know what that looked like and that I would love it.

All in all, 2013 was a major a change in my mindset. In high school and college, you’re always praying that you make good decisions and you’re headed towards doing the things that you’ve been talking about your entire life- going to school, getting a job, etc. it’s not real until you’re in the middle of it and then you realize you’re in the middle of it. And that’s how it was for me. I looked up and realized I was where I had always wanted to be. That year solidified years of prepping, praying, and so much came to fruition.

Dillon McClain, #BaptistsofArkansas

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