“The calling keeps you, and seeing lives transformed by the Gospel motivates you.”

Mike and Jennifer Brungardt have served on the field for 18 years and have spent the past five in Colombia where Mike is a cluster leader for the global cities in the Americas. There are 85 million people among the six largest cities from Mexico to Chile and Argentina. Though the region has a long Christian heritage, the need for evangelism and church planting is still great – especially among the urban poor, young professionals, university students, refugees, and indigenous tribes.

For Jennifer, many opportunities have come through a large non-Christian homeschool community. Whether in-person or online, simple Bible studies have become national partnerships as new disciples form churches and begin to reach others.

With clear connections to the growing Hispanic population in the US, there is a need for Hispanic congregations in the US to partner and send teams to the Americas. There is also a need for churches to help equip Colombians for engaging university students and young professionals.

PRAYER POINTS: Let’s pray for more connections and opportunities to encourage national partners in the missionary task. Pray for more laborers for the harvest. And pray for pastors and believers who have grown weary during the Covid-19 pandemic.

When you give to your church, you give to missions through the Cooperative Program, bringing the Good News to the whole world. Find more CP resources at ABSC.org/CPShare.

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