Gosnell resident ‘flip flops’ lives for Jesus

GOSNELL, Ark. – Retired schoolteacher Debbie Finch is using footwear to share the Gospel, encouraging people to “flip flop” their lives for Jesus. 

The Gosnell, Arkansas, resident, collects flip flops, writes “John 3:16” and “Jesus loves you” on them and gifts them to others as a way to spread God’s word. Recently, Finch brought her ministry to Monticello, where she participated in the One Day Acts 1:8 Missions Experience.  

Finch’s association with footwear began when she was 18 years old. While in college, she worked part-time at a local shoe store.  

“To see some people, maybe even an adult, get their first brand new pair of shoes or a child come in or ask to walk out in a new pair of shoes after they purchased them. … It really got my heart,” Finch said.  

A few years later, when she was 22, Finch went on a cruise. 

“It was not a mission trip yet that is where God really spoke to me,” she said.  

The cruise made four stops in the Caribbean. During one of the stops, the local ladies were interested in her flip flops. It was then God laid on her heart the idea for a flip flop ministry.  

Later when Finch was called to missions, traveling to Florida, Illinois, Alabama, Missouri and other locations across the nation, she took flip flops with her.  


“We were talking about people giving their hearts to Jesus. He laid on my heart flip flop your life for Jesus. Take a permanent marker and write on the left one ‘Jesus Loves Me’ and on the right one ‘John 3:16,’” she said.  

Since Finch has started the ministry, her flip flops have traveled to various nations, including Vietnam, the Philippines and Africa, flying with other missionaries. Personally, she has taken flip flops to Jamaica and Guatemala.  

Finch has several “just God” stories with her ministry. For instance, six years ago, a group of ladies made and prayed over 31 dresses for Finch to give away while on missions. The next day, Finch went to Walmart to see if they had discounted flip flops.  

Initially not seeing any, she approached an employee at the store. After a brief conversation, Finch said the worker went to the back and carted out several pairs of flip flops marked down to 25 cents each.  

Finch took several pairs and went to the checkout. Finch had not counted them, but when the cashier finished scanning them there were 31. The same as the number of dresses. 

“This is how God works with me about my discernment,” Finch said.  

In addition to her flip flop ministry, Finch is also a Christian children’s author and speaker. Her four books include: “Changed from the Inside Out”; “Running the Race of Life”; “Watch the Light to Find God’s Will”; and “Barkley, Barkley, Where are You? Then, God Reminded me…” Like the flip flops, Finch also takes her books with her to read and give away to children while on mission. 

Finch attends Gosnell Baptist Church. She has several mission trips on the horizon, including one to Jamaica in February, and plans to encourage people to “flip flop” their lives for Jesus.  

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