Photo by Ethan Dial
The youth of Life Line Baptist Church are spending this spring break in service.
“It’s good for the community but it’s also good for these kids. It allows them to work hard but also have fun doing it. We want to continue to teach them that giving back is important and it can start right here in our community,” Tyler Grubb said.

Tyler serves as youth minister at Life Line along with his wife Angie.
During “Spring Break Serve,” students volunteered at a local fire station, hosted a pancake breakfast for the church and community and passed out free hot dogs. They also spent Wednesday afternoon picking up trash in southwest Little Rock.

“Monday, we decided to go to the fire station. The kids really enjoyed this day. We have a few that are looking into that field of work after high school, and it’s just a way to give back to those who are giving as well,” Tyler said.
Grubb, who serves bi-vocationally, just happens to work at the fire station the students served at. So, after “a hard day’s work,” he pulled out the fire truck and let them put on some gear.
“My favorite part is getting to hang out with my friends while also helping the community,” said Colby Outlaw, a ninth grader.
This week, his little sister, Morgan, has been helping the youth too as she will be joining them when she enters the sixth grade next year. She has enjoyed finding different ways of showing the love of Christ to those in need.
The Grubbs joined Life Line three years ago and have been overwhelmed by the love and support of the church.
“A little while back, I had a battle with cancer. The love we felt from these kids was overwhelming. The texts, calls – some wanted to bring food by, and some even shaved their head when I lost my hair,” Tyler said. “They were definitely an inspiration through everything we went through. It just made our bond even stronger with them.”
That bond has grown more this week through project after project.
“Tuesday, we hosted a community pancake breakfast. The students cooked up pancakes, eggs and bacon, which they then served to those who attended,” Angie said. “It was so good to see the youth interacting with our adults from the church and community. Teaching our youth how to give back has been a big focus on our serve week this year.”
Every day, they have focused on teaching these students how to biblically be the hands and feet of Jesus.
“Home is a special place, and we want to do all we can to help make it better,” Tyler said.