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LifeWay Women connects thousands of women around the globe with new app

By Joy Allmond

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — I lost my job almost four months ago. I’m feeling hopeless and frustrated. I’m struggling to remind myself that God will provide.

I am in end-stage renal failure and on dialysis. I have an amazing support system, but sometimes it’s hard.

Please pray for me that my relationship with my husband and sons as well as with my whole extended family will continue to be restored.

These are a few of the prayer requests being shared in virtual community on the new LifeWay Women app.

In the throes of one of the most isolated seasons in human history, LifeWay Women launched this new tool to keep women connected. The recent release of the LifeWay Women app has yielded more than 7,000 downloads since its inception in August.

But prayer in virtual community is merely one way the LifeWay Women app is serving thousands all over the world. Through this tool, women can also:

  • Read the latest news and updates from LifeWay Women.
  • Study Bible passages that correspond with daily Bible study book entries and reflect through journaling prompts.
  • Receive notifications for accountability in their personal Bible reading.
  • Start their own group and begin a Bible study together.
  • Share thoughts, encouragement, and prayer requests.
  • Listen to episodes of the “Marked” podcast the in-app player.

“So many women around the globe have not only experienced different levels of great loss this year—they’ve done it alone, due to the pandemic,” said Chelsea Waack, the app’s content manager. “But now, we hope to come alongside these women, albeit virtually, and humanize what has sometimes been reduced to avatars and characters typed on a page.”

In the prayer section women can search by a number of topics, including finances, salvation, relationships, grief, mental health and the global church. Users can also customize their app experience by filtering through their interests in categories such as theology, leadership, marriage, singleness, vocation and parenting.

App users will have access to the LifeWay Women blog for encouragement and growth, the occasional resource giveaway, and LifeWay’s online store.

“When so many church and community activities are modified or on hold while we wait out the pandemic, it’s easy for women to feel stunted in their spiritual and relational growth,” said Becky Loyd, director of LifeWay Women.

“If our current season of COVID-19 has taught the church anything, it’s shown us that digital ministry is here to stay,” she said. “And LifeWay Women is here to meet the challenge of feeding women spiritually and relationally as we look toward the future of ministry.”

Apple users can download the free app from the Apple Store, and Android users can find it on Google Play.


Joy Allmond is a writer for LifeWay Christian Resources.

This article was originally published by LifeWay at

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