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OBU invites worship leaders, students to view new facility

Worship Studies Preview Day is scheduled for Thursday, November 7, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia. This will be a time to introduce the new Worship Studies Lab and give information about the four-year-old worship studies major.  Interested students and parents are invited to attend and may register at the link below.  

Worship leaders are invited and encouraged to attend to tour the new space, meet with current students, and catch a glimpse of the worship studies vision.  The goal is to equip leaders for any church, any size, any style.  The degree develops students musically, theologically and as ministers with a great understanding of biblical worship.  

The new Worship Studies Lab was fully funded by generous donations, spurred by one matching donation challenge. The lab is a state-of-the-art hands-on facility for all things worship: audio and video capabilities, IEM’s (in-ear monitoring), Ableton(clicks), projection and lighting. Other equipment includes piano, Nord, drums, bass, and other guitars.  Students will graduate with a grasp of tech/media since many churches depend on the worship leader to mentor in these areas.    It is a place where students can lead worship and experience worship.  Ouachita is extremely blessed to have this 2000+ square feet of space dedicated to worship and worship training.   

Optional campus tours will be offered at the conclusion. Lunch is included. Register at the following link: 

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