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By Derek Brown, Ph.D., LPC

Executive Director, Arkansas Baptist Children & Family Ministries

The unexpected mission

By Derek Brown, Ph.D., LPC

Executive Director, Arkansas Baptist Children & Family Ministries

When Lynette became burdened for missions, she had no idea the field where she would be planted was less than an hour from the place she and her family had always called home. When Randy, her husband, came to her with the same burden, they knew they had to surrender to the call on their lives to move to the Arkansas Baptist Homes for Children in Monticello.  

Through their eight years in this ministry, they have cared for 47 children in their home. While in this ministry, they have experienced many restless nights and seasons of great trial, but they have also experienced abundant joy as they have witnessed God break through the walls built by unspeakable experiences that should be foreign to any child. Randy and Lynette will be the first to acknowledge how hard this ministry can be, but they also stand ready to share about the many ways God has blessed them and the children who have found a haven in their home.  

Randy and Lynette are two of your local missionaries serving as campus foster parents at the Arkansas Baptist Homes for Children. They represent what has been the heart of this ministry for well over a century: caring adults meeting children in their pain with the hope of Christ. On this campus of foster homes, a community of support is dedicated to children who have been separated from their families at no fault of their own. The eternal significance of this mission that is taking place in your backyard cannot be underestimated.   

Every child in foster care has suffered great loss. Many of these children are forced to endure the added loss and trauma of being separated from their siblings. The resources of Arkansas Baptist Homes for Children make it possible for children to stay in the same home with their brothers and sisters. The consistency and stability provided by keeping siblings together with a Christ-centered family makes it easier for these children to transition to their forever homes.   

When you pray for our missionaries, please don’t forget to pray for those God has called to the frontlines to care for His children. This ministry is one that is most precious to God and clearly tasked to His church. My hope is that couples like Randy and Lynette will feel encouraged and empowered by the prayers of people throughout the church. Perhaps you too have felt a burden for missions but haven’t considered an opportunity this close to home. Would you consider finding your place to serve through Arkansas Baptist Children’s Homes and Family Ministries? Find out more about each of our ministries at  

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One Response

  1. Randy and Lynette are the best!! It is amazing to watch them love on these children! They have accepted a high calling to work with teenage boys, an age group that is truly intimidating. But they so amazing job at loving them! They are true heroes! I praise God I get to serve with them!

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