Life Line youth serve their community
The youth of Life Line Baptist Church are spending this spring break in service.
The youth of Life Line Baptist Church are spending this spring break in service.
A needle and thread. A package of paper. An old wallpaper catalog. A pair of scissors. And a sack lunch. That is pretty much all my church needed to host our first “Scripture and Art” event a couple of weeks ago.
Horne longs to carry on Gospel work with efficiency, effectively network with Arkansas Baptists from around the state while meeting their needs, and passionately work together for the glory of the Lord.
Pastors from around the state took a turn sitting in the pew at the inaugural Shepherds Conference held on Thursday, Sept. 28, by Arkansas Baptist Children & Family Ministries (ABCFM).
Every turning point has a starting point. In the resources provided to promote the 2023 Dixie Jackson (DJ) Arkansas Missions Offering are four stories centered
God has used “the land of a million smiles” to change countless hearts for a century.
World Changers from five states assembled in Little Rock last week at Life Line Baptist Church to rehab homes and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
“What we are doing is not symbolic; it’s vital. It’s our lifeline,” said Steven Smith, pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church (IBC) in Little Rock. Smith
A community-wide prayer service will take place at Immanuel Baptist Church in Little Rock on today, April 6, at 6 p.m. for local Arkansans to
Mary Alford joined the Arkansas Baptist State Convention’s (ABSC) communications team as a creative content producer on Dec. 1, 2022, after seven years working for
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