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Courtney is a writer and Bible teacher living in Little Rock, AR. A passionate student of the Bible, she loves inviting others into the pursuit of God through his word. Whether she is leading a small group, teaching her children, writing an article, or doing her day job as Managing Director at Risen Motherhood, she loves seeing others come to understand and enjoy the Bible. In addition, she is the author of three books, most recently Teach Me to Feel: Worshiping Through the Psalms in Every Season of Life. She and her husband are the proud parents of four sons and together they serve at Immanuel Baptist Church in Little Rock, AR. 

“When I think of who has really impacted my life, I feel like my parents have really influenced me. I don’t think I would have loved the Bible if my parents had not taught us the Bible growing up. I grew up in a home with three younger brothers and was encouraged that I could contribute just as much as they could. My mom loves the Bible, so it wasn’t weird or unusual that I could love God and love the Bible too after watching her for years. This shaped me to be confident that I could go to seminary and serve in ministry. My dad has also been influential in my life; I became a Christian in college, and I didn’t know where to start. He helped me learn how to read the Bible. 17 years later, I still read the Bible in the way my dad taught me, and it has proven helpful. Every other person that has influenced me has come from the foundation my parents helped set for me.

I never would have dreamed I could be a published author if it weren’t for seminary professors who spurred me on to keep writing. I’m deeply indebted to men like Dr. Russell Moore who gave me opportunity and encouragement to keep writing. He made me feel like I had something to contribute.

I also think Dale Ralph Davis has been influential in my life. He is an Old Testament professor, and he has helped me love and understand the Old Testament more. He has helped me to see how it applies to everything and he has really helped me hone in on my teaching skills. My dad told me about him too!”

Courtney Reissig, #BaptistsOfArkansas

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