MONTICELLO – Bartholomew Baptist Association (BBA) will host a free Bivocational Church Conference for pastors, deacons and other church leaders Saturday, Feb. 22.

The conference, which will be held at First Baptist Church, Monticello, will begin at 9 a.m. and will feature breakout sessions, panel discussions and worship service.
“Southeast Arkansas has its own unique ministry challenges that are unlike the rest of the state,” said Jeff Hessinger, associational missionary of BBA. “It’s time we learn from each other as well as grow and go together. However great our obstacles, we can all do better reaching this part of the state with the gospel.”
The conference’s six breakout sessions will be focused on pastors, deacons, worship leaders, youth ministers, children’s ministers and Sunday school teachers. Each breakout will be led by three people who are in those specific ministry areas.
“We hope that their ministries grow and flourish and be more efficient at what they are doing,” said Errin Hessinger, BBA ministry assistant.
The conference will help reach people in a small town, rural and agricultural settings to increase church attendance and baptisms in all age groups, said Jeff Hessinger.
“I’m praying that in their areas of ministry that leaders will learn to be more effective in their work, they will discover new resources to get their work done and that they will build some relationships in their area of ministry to be able to lean on and develop for the years to come to help them,” said Jeff Hessinger.
“Jesus has not tasked us to lead sleepy churches that do very little to gather the harvest and make disciples,” continued Hessinger. “We have been tasked to reach people who are spread out in rural and agricultural settings with declining population. These are urgent days when we must do better and be at our best.”
For more information or to register for the conference, visit
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