Introducing a unique disciple making experience for men and boys
What do fishing, camping, sports, metalworking, horseback riding, Dutch oven cooking, grilling, Baggo, swimming, and waterslides have in common?
What do fishing, camping, sports, metalworking, horseback riding, Dutch oven cooking, grilling, Baggo, swimming, and waterslides have in common?
Electricity! Transportation! Rent/Mortgage! Clothing! Food! Formally or informally, we all “budget” for these living expenses and others.
One Day: Serve Local is still a few weeks away, but Second Baptist Church in Russellville planned its outreach early…
ENGAGE is designed to provide participants the experience of a mission trip and summer camp all rolled into one.
Arkansas Baptists recently initiated a prayer adoption strategy for the unengaged unreached people groups (UUPGs) in South Asia.
The campus of Arkansas Tech University (ATU) is less than a mile from Second Baptist Church (SBCR). With an enrollment of over 10,000 students, the school offers a very diverse mission field.
The Missions Team of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention is introducing brand new initiatives for men and students to help involve them in reaching the lost and making disciples.
Arkansas Baptist State Convention (ABSC) Disaster Relief (DR) volunteers are known for serving others in the midst of the devastation of a natural disaster.
Blaylock began volunteering with the IFO in 2015 by hosting two international students in his home. It was through this experience that Blaylock realized food is a valuable tool for bonding between cultures.
What if I told you that 70 days or one summer of your college years could change the rest of your life?
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