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By Arkansas Baptist News

FIRST-PERSON: Pray for a breakthrough in treatment and prevention of COVID-19

By Arkansas Baptist News

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EDITOR’S NOTE: Ronnie Floyd is president and CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee and former pastor of Cross Church in northwest Arkansas.

NASHVILLE (BP) — Over the last few weeks, I have become convinced that beyond praying daily for the complete elimination of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and for all who are suffering with the virus right now, we need to focus together on praying for a breakthrough. We need God to miraculously unveil both effective treatments and a vaccine for the coronavirus.

Oftentimes, it takes years to discover effective medications or a vaccine. Clinical tests are critical for success and these take time. The process is extensive and expensive, but more than 100 studies are underway now to find a vaccine for COVID-19 – including several with promising, though early results.

But God is big and can do anything. Our God who said, “Let there be light” (Genesis 1:3), is the same God who is the only One who will reveal what He already knows about the keys to treating this illness. Therefore, as the people of God, we must ask Him for a supernatural breakthrough for effective treatments against this virus.

Pastors and churches, as well as Christian leaders and Christian organizations, can lead people to pray for divine intervention for effective treatments and prevention for the coronavirus until God intervenes. Human suffering is occurring. Lives are at stake not only in the United States, but across the globe.

Begin praying daily for the breakthrough. Here are some ways we can pray:

— 1. Ask God to open the eyes of scientists, health professionals and their teams to discover the right treatments for COVID-19.

— 2. Ask God to intervene now for a discovery for a vaccine for the coronavirus.

— 3. Ask God to be merciful to those across the globe who have the virus and need healing.

— 4. Ask God to eliminate this virus. We know He can miraculously do this.

Stand upon the Bible and what it says in Exodus 15:26: “For I am the Lord who heals you.”

Let us go to our churches, our Christian ministries, and our workplaces and faithfully call people to prayer for this urgent need.

Let me remind you: Our God is big and can do anything!

Ronnie Floyd is president and CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee and former pastor of Cross Church in northwest Arkansas.

This article was originally published by Baptist Press at

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