TEXARKANA, Ark. – The Kids Ministry at Trinity Baptist Church in Texarkana held their second annual Journey to the Cross event on Palm Sunday.
Featuring more than 80 church volunteers, the event was designed for people to experience God’s plan for salvation by walking through multiple scenes depicting Jesus’ last week on earth. Based on Scripture, each scene in the journey brought Bible characters to life as families watched Jesus enter Jerusalem, Judas’ betrayal, The Last Supper, Jesus being arrested, Peter denying knowing Jesus, Jesus’ Trial, and Jesus on the cross.
“We designed the event to help kids better understand Jesus’ love and sacrifice for them,” said Jenn Parks, Director of Kids Ministry.
In addition to walking from each scene and listening to a narrator tell the story about what was being portrayed, children left each scene with an item that corresponded with what they had witnessed. The event ended with a meal in the Fellowship Hall, where attendees were able to discuss what they had witnessed and why it is important for their lives.

“Without the Son of God Himself dying on a cross in our place and shedding His blood to pay the price for our sins, we would be lost and destined for Hell. But since Jesus died and rose again, we can live for Him, and one day be with Him forever,” said Michael Daugherty, senior pastor at Trinity Baptist Church.
This year, nearly 300 people attended the event.
“We received overwhelmingly positive feedback from parents who were thankful for the opportunity the event provided parents to have salvation conversations,” Parks said.