Speaking words of encouragement
Who can you bless and encourage so they know they are loved and valued by God and by you?
Who can you bless and encourage so they know they are loved and valued by God and by you?
“¦for the sake of your name lead and guide me.” (Psalm 31:3)
We are at our best when we look to God for answers. Once we realize that God has the answers because He is the answer, we can view every unanswered question as an opportunity to call on Him and listen for His reply.
I want to share four beliefs about God that help me stay grounded during the uncertain moments of life. These beliefs provide a solid foundation to build my life upon. As I type them out, I am reminded that these truths cover or touch every area of life. From the moment of our birth to the moment we go home to be with Jesus, we are safe in God’s loving and all sufficient hand.
Have you found yourself in a tight spot? A place where you are experiencing stress to the point you are unsure of the next step to take? This tight spot may be a result of circumstances you brought on yourself or a situation God is allowing to help you move on with the things of God.
Our heart is a prized possession. Sometimes we go to great lengths to make sure our heart is not hurt by the people around us or the circumstances we face.
As I looked at Jake’s project, I had no idea what to say. I wanted to find something positive, but I was at a loss for words. Honestly, I had no idea what the picture was.
To this day, it is hard to put words to the feelings all of us experienced when we had to cancel just hours before Inspire was scheduled to happen.
Instead of focusing on my “to do” list. I made a different type of list. I opened my Bible and wrote down ten truths that overwhelm me about God.
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