CP Share: Amer & Vicki Safadi
Amer and Vicki Safadi weren’t sure at first that Cincinnati was where God wanted them to plant a church.
Amer and Vicki Safadi weren’t sure at first that Cincinnati was where God wanted them to plant a church.
275 million people are estimated lost in North America. That’s men, women, young adults and children. Among that population are more than 40 million people
The growing ethnic diversity of Arkansas requires more intentional church planting efforts among these diverse population.
George Liele is one of the most significant figures in the history of Christian missions.
People are experiencing depression, anxiety, grief, loneliness, trauma, and broken relationships at unprecedented rates.
“Everybody should be considering how the Lord is calling them to follow Jesus.”
“We cannot waste a day. The mission of God’s Kingdom to see people brought from death to life is too important.”
“Jesus is for the nations, and so Christmas is for everyone. Opening your home for the holidays might just be one of the easiest ways to reach the nations this year.”
A few years ago, God put the lost in North Little Rock on the heart of Roderick Rogers.
The week of prayer for international missions and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering is Nov. 28-Dec. 5.
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